I have definitely personally experienced the pressure you are alluding to during my time at Penn. The narrative being spun is that everyone is having sex all the time, and this can make you feel like you’re a loser if you’re not. While this feeling is understandable and relatable, I think it’s important to unpack a few of the implications inherent in this sentiment. First of all, people aren’t having as much sex as you think. The people who are having sex.are talking about it, and the people who aren’t having sex are not, which leads to a skewed perception because we’re generally only hearing about our friends’ sexcapades rather than the ordinary nights that they spend at home in their own bed. Secondly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with not having sex during a certain period of time, or at all, for that matter. If you are having sex because you feel socially pressured to, you are having sex for the wrong reasons. You could be in a period in your life in which you are not sexually active. There could be another era in your life approaching in which you will be having a lot more sex. The most important thing to remember, though, is that your level of sexual activity is no indication whatsoever of your worth or how cool you are. Detaching from this notion is integral, both for your sexual wellbeing and self-worth in general.
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