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Anonymous questions answered by Quake staff!

**Why does sex have to be such a strange act? Or at least according to media perceptions?**

I think that our generation’s perception of sex is, aside from personal experiences, largely informed by porn. And porn is not real. Generally, porn promotes a male fantasy rather than enactments of sexual acts that fulfil or satisfy anyone other than cis men. The dangers of this are numerous, but in this context, what can happen is... View full

**Do other people feel socially pressured to have sex at Penn?**

I have definitely personally experienced the pressure you are alluding to during my time at Penn. The narrative being spun is that everyone is having sex all the time, and this can make you feel like you’re a loser if you’re not. While this feeling is understandable and relatable, I think it’s important to unpack a few of the...

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**How do you know if you have an orgasm?**

Collaborative Answers from the group:


“Long answer short—when you orgasm, you know you’ve orgasmed (it should feel amazing!)”


“I cannot tell you the amount of times my sex with a man has ended the moment he...

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**How does a basic, 5”0, not well-dressed girl get a girlfriend?**

Not with that attitude! Lol jk, but it is the case that finding a partner comes easier with self-confidence. None of the descriptors you used for yourself are actually things that queer women find undesirable—as long as you're emotionally available, someone will take you! At this point, finding a girlfriend is really just a matter of putting yourself...

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