Collaborative answers from the Quake team ;)
“Long answer short—when you orgasm, you know you’ve orgasmed (it should feel amazing!)”
“I cannot tell you the amount of times my sex with a man has ended the moment he comes, without any consideration whatsoever for me finishing. This should never happen, and it should not be the norm that it has unfortunately become. For the straight men reading this; if you want to actually be good at sex, try prioritizing her pleasure.”
Unfortunate Fact: Many people, especially women, have never orgasmed during any sexual act with any partner.
Pro-Tip: Buy a good vibrator and masturbate without shame. Learn about your body and the contours of your pleasure. You deserve it. And maybe then, when you know what works for you, you’ll be able to communicate this with a sexual partner so that you have more satisfying sex.